
Preserve the environment, NMG Chairman urges Kenyans

The Nation Media Group (NMG) will continue to sensitise Kenyans on the need to preserve the environment, Board Chairman Wilfred Kiboro said on 5th June, 2024 during the World Environment Day.

He said that it is only through restoring and protecting the environment that the country can avert destruction and loss of lives.

“Let the destruction and loss of life we experienced recently galvanise us to respect our environment by restoring and protecting it. There is a need to forge strong partnerships, to plant and grow trees, check soil erosion, mentor and sensitise our youth,” he said in a statement read by Green Blue Foundation Africa, Project Manager Jackson Mwangi.

Dr Kiboro praised the partnership between NMG, Family Bank Foundation and Nairobi Institute of Technology and encouraged other stakeholders to take environmental matters seriously.

During a tree planting initiative at Kona Baridi in Kajiado County, participants from the three organisations planted 1,000 seedlings.

With the planting of seedlings, the collective responsibility to nurture them into maturity became abundantly clear.

Just a few years ago, the landscape at Kona Baridi was marred by gullies encircling the plains. However, thanks to the ongoing project, the area now boasts pristine conditions.

The event was part of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration project, a model endeavour that took root in 2022.

The project targets to restore 240 acres of land within the Ngong Hills Forest.

Family Bank Foundation’s Executive Director Mr John Waimiri, said approximately 70 acres of land have been covered by the combined efforts of Family Bank, NMG, and Green Blue Foundation Africa.

“Planting trees is one thing, but watering them and nurturing them for three years ensures their survival,” he said.

By Daniel Kigen